This article applies to:
- Publishing Members
In this article, you will learn what dates Sony automatically pays out royalties balances on SCORE to your BeatStars wallet.
Sony has two semi-annual collection periods, each followed by distributions into the BeatStars Wallet.
Collection Period One - January 1st through June 30th.
Sony automatically distributes royalty balances into the BeatStars Wallet on September 30th of the same year. Note that Cash Out in Sony SCORE is not available during August and September for royalty balances earned in Period One of the same year.
Collection Period Two - July 1st through December 31st.
Sony automatically distributes royalty balances into the BeatStars Wallet on March 30th of the following year. Note that Cash Out in Sony SCORE is not available during February and March for royalty balances earned in Period Two of the same year.
If you don’t want to wait until your royalty balance is automatically distributed from Sony into your BeatStars Wallet semi-annually, you can take advantage of Sony SCORE’s Cash Out capability. Cash Out allows you to request some or all your current royalty balance to be paid immediately, instead of having to wait until the next semi-annual distribution. Cash Out is subject to certain limitations: You need to have a royalty balance of at least $100, and it is not available during the months of February, March, August, and September.