How To Set Up Your TikTok Pixel

1. Visit to set up your Tiktok Ads Account

2.  Once your account has been created, click on Assets then Events in your Tiktok Ads Manager. 


3.  Click Manage under Web Events


4.  Click Set Up Web Events to set up a new Pixel for BeatStars. 



5. Enter a name for your Pixel then select Events API then hit Next. Screen_Shot_2022-10-19_at_4.47.17_PM.png

6. Select Manually Set Up Events API then hit Next. 


7.  Skip this page by clicking Go to Settings. 

8. Copy your Pixel ID at the top of the page


9. If you are using the new BeatStars Studio to upload content, visit the Pro Page Integrations section and paste your code into the Tiktok Pixel section, then select Publish.

Screen Shot 2022-10-19 at 4.57.09 PM.png

10. If you are using to upload content, you can visit the Pro Page Setup section and paste your Pixel ID into the Tiktok Pixel section then select Publish. 



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