How do I use the Lyric Pad?

This article applies to:

  • Beat Buyers



In this article, you will learn how to write and save lyrics for tracks on BeatStars. Please see the instructions below.

Step-by-step Guide:

  1. Log into your BeatStars account.

  2. When listening to a track you'd like to write lyrics to, click the lyrics icon on the right side of the track player.
    Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 7.30.36 AM.png

  3. You will then be taken to the Lyric Pad page, where you can write and store lyrics for the associated track.

  4. When finished writing, click the "Save lyrics" button.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: We suggest printing and downloading your lyrics as a backup each time you edit and save your lyrics. The reason for this is that lyrics are tied to the tracks on our Marketplace. If/when the track is sold or removed by the producer, the track will no longer be available, and as a result, neither will your lyrics, so we suggest printing and downloading backups often.

Related Articles:
How Do I Create a Playlist?
How do I Purchase a Track?

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