How can I start a negotiation? (Marketplace App)

This article applies to:

  • Beat Buyers



In this article, you will learn how to start a negotiation for a track using the BeatStars app. Please see the following instructions.

Step-by-step Guide:

  1. Log into your BeatStars account via the BeatStars app.

  2. Click on the "add to cart" button to the right of the track you are interested in negotiating.

  3. Click the "Negotiate Price" button.

    IMPORTANT NOTE:  Producers manage their own license availability. Please note that some producers may not offer Exclusive License purchases and may choose not to negotiate for certain licenses per their discretion.

  4. Fill out your Deal details and click the "Start negotiation" button.

    You can also add additional tracks to the negotiation using the "Add track" button if you wish.

Related Articles:
Where can I view my negotiations? (Marketplace App)
Why am I not seeing a negotiation in my BeatStars account?

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