Beat ID FAQs

This article applies to:

  • Beat Sellers



In this article, we will provide answers to the frequently asked questions about Beat ID, which are listed below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who would benefit from using Beat ID?
Music producers, recording artists, record labels, music publishers, and anyone who owns music copyrights would benefit from using Beat ID. 

Why is my Beat ID track status in pending?
A beat's status will be stuck in pending if BeatStars was not able to process your payment for that beat's tracking.

If this happens, please hover over the beat in question and click "Edit Asset" to attempt payment again.

What happens if I cancel my payment for a track in Beat ID?
If you decide you no longer wish to continue paying for Beat ID for a track, you will still receive tracking benefits for the remainder of the month you've already paid for, then once that month expires, you will not be charged for the next month of service and you will no longer have tracking.

Do I have to turn on recurring payments for Beat ID?
No, leaving on recurring payments is not required for Beat ID. You are able to pay for 1 month to receive a list of copies for the full lifespan of your beat that Beat ID can find in that 1 month period. However, to ensure that you are receiving copies as soon as they are uploaded to the internet after that initial 1 month period, we recommend leaving recurring payments on. 

How do I turn off recurring payments for Beat ID?
To turn off recurring payments, make sure this option pictured below is toggled off

Is Beat ID just for beats or can I upload my songs?
You are able to upload both songs and beats to Beat ID. Beat ID will scan the social web for uses of both types of content.

What is a Tracking Date?
The date you set for your track will be the date that Beat ID will use as the starting point for searching the social web for your material. Beat ID will track the social web for anything uploaded on and after that date that uses your beat/song.

For example, if you first published a track 1 year ago, but you set your tracking date for today, Beat ID will not search for any of your uses before today.

You should set your date as the day you first published that beat/song on the web. This will guarantee Beat ID is tracking for the full lifespan of your beat/song.

What can I upload to Beat ID?
You can upload any full song or beat for which you own the full rights. Beat ID will then scan the social web for uses of that audio across various platforms.

Where can I access Beat ID?
Beat ID can be accessed from

How is Beat ID different from Youtube Content ID?
While YouTube Content ID only checks for uses of your tracks on YouTube, Beat ID scans the entire social web and provides you with links to show you where your music is being used.

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