How do I use Beat ID?

This article applies to:

  • Beat Sellers
  • Professional Plan
  • Starter Plan



In this article, you will learn how to use BeatID to track any published works on various platforms. 



Step-by-step Guide

1. Visit and click on the Beat ID tab.

2. Click the blue "Add Asset" button.


3.  Choose your preferred method of adding your track to Beat ID. You can upload a new file, browse your tracks from your BeatStars tracklist, or add from a URL.


4. Now, we'll enter some basic info. Start by adding a title to your asset. This is an internal title that only you will see and will help you identify your asset. 


5. Now you will set your Production Date. The date you set for your Production Date will be the date that Beat ID will use as the starting point for searching the social web for your material. You should set your Production Date as the day you first published that beat/song on the web. This will guarantee Beat ID is tracking for the full lifespan of your beat/song.


6. Now you can upload a file for your artwork or create a new image in Canva. This will also be internal and only visible to you. 


7. Review your release and complete payment. 

8. Once you complete the upload, you will then see the track added to your Assets tab. Copies can take up to 30 days to first appear if any are found on the social web. 


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