What is a PRO?

This article applies to:
  • BeatStars Publishing Members



In this article, you will learn what role Performing Rights Organizations (PROs) play in the Publishing process and what PROs are available in your location. 

A PRO (Performing Rights Organization) is a publishing organization responsible for collecting performance royalties on behalf of songwriters and music publishers. BeatStars has partnered with IMRO to provide new Publishing members with a PRO and IPI number free of charge. You are able to register for IMRO when you apply to Publishing. If you already have a PRO, you are free to use yours as well. Below is a current list of some accepted PROs for different countries. Money related to your songs comes from applicable collection societies around the world. Once BeatStars receives your money, you will be able to withdraw it from the BeatStars Wallet.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  We do not manage these services, as a result, the list could be subject to change and there may be others. Please search your country's additional PRO options if needed. 

Country/Territory PRO/Society Language Website
Argentina SADAIC Spanish https://www.sadaic.org.ar/
Australia APRA English https://apraamcos.com.au/
Austria AKM German https://www.akm.at/
Barbados COSCAP English https://coscap.org/
Belgium SABAM Dutch https://www.sabam.be/
Bulgaria MUSICAUTHOR Bulgarian https://www.musicautor.org/
Canada SOCAN English http://www.socan.com/
Chile SCD Spanish http://www.scd.cl/
Colombia ACINPRO Spanish https://www.acinpro.org.co/
Colombia SAYCO Spanish http://sayco.org/
CostaRica ACAM Spanish https://www.acam.cr/
Croatia HDS Croatian https://www.hds.hr/
CzechRepublic OSA Czech https://www.osa.cz/
Denmark KODA Danish https://www.koda.dk/
Ecuador SAYCE Spanish https://sayce.com.ec/
Estonia EAU Estonian https://www.eau.org/
Finland Teosto Finnish https://www.teosto.fi/
France SACEM French https://www.sacem.fr/
Germany GEMA German https://www.gema.de/
Guatemala AEI Spanish https://www.aeiguatemala.org/
HongKong CASH Cantonese https://www.cash.org.hk/
Hungary ARTISJUS Hungarian https://www.artisjus.hu/
India IPRS English https://www.iprs.org/
Indonesia WAMI Indonesia https://www.wami.id/
Ireland IMRO English https://imro.ie/
Israel ACUM Hebrew https://acum.org.il/
Italy SIAE Italian https://www.siae.it/
Jamaica JACAP English https://www.jacapjamaica.com/
Japan JASRAC Japanese https://www.jasrac.or.jp/
Macedonia ZAMP Macedonian https://zamp.com.mk/
Malaysia MACP Malay https://www.macp.com.my/
Mexico SACM Spanish https://www.sacm.org.mx/
Nepal MRCSN Nepali https://norcode.no/
Netherlands BUMA Dutch https://www.bumastemra.nl/
NewZealand APRA English https://apraamcos.co.nz/
Norway TONO Norwegian https://www.tono.no/
Peru APDAYC Spanish http://www.apdayc.org.pe/
Philippines FILSCAP Filipino https://filscap.com.ph/
Poland ZAIKS Polish https://zaiks.org.pl/
Portugal SPA Portuguese https://www.spautores.pt/
PuertoRico ACEMLA Spanish https://acemla.com/
Romania UCMR Romanian https://ucmr-ada.ro/
Russia RAO Russian https://rao.ru/
Serbia SOKOJ Serbian https://www.sokoj.rs/
Singapore COMPASS English http://compass.org.sg/
Slovakia SOZA Slovak http://www.soza.sk/
SouthAfrica SAMRO English https://www.samro.org.za/
SouthKorea KOMCA Korean https://www.komca.or.kr/
Spain SGAE Spanish http://www.sgae.es/
Sweden STIM Swedish https://www.stim.se/
Switzerland SUISA German https://www.suisa.ch/
Taiwan MUST MandarinChinese https://www.must.org.tw/
Thailand MCT Thai http://www.mct.in.th/
Trinidad COTT English http://www.cott.org.tt/
Turkey MSG Turkish https://msg.org.tr/
Ukraine UACRR Ukrainian http://uacrr.org.ua/
UnitedKingdom PRS English http://www.prsformusic.com/
Uruguay AGADU Spanish https://www.agadu.org/
USA ASCAP English https://www.ascap.com/
USA BMI English https://www.bmi.com/
USA SESAC English https://www.sesac.com
Venezuela SACVEN Spanish http://sacven.org/


Related Articles:
How to Sign Up for Publishing
Should I register my songs with my PRO before I register them with BeatStars Publishing?

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