Why can’t I add an item to my cart?

This article applies to:

  • Beat Buyers


This article is to troubleshoot the issue of not being able to add an item such as a Beat or Sound Kit to your cart.

Common Causes

If you're having trouble adding a Beat or Sound Kit to your cart, it might be because one or more producers haven't linked their PayPal account to their BeatStars account.

If all producers have linked their PayPal accounts, this may suggest that one or more producers have an issue with their personal PayPal account(s) which they need to resolve on their side.

Unfortunately, this is not something BeatStars can resolve, as we do not manage the producers' personal financial accounts.


If this is the case, please contact the producer(s) directly using the message button or social media options (if any) on their BeatStars profile page(s) and request that they connect their PayPal account(s) where applicable.

Related Articles:
Why are my PayPal transactions being voided, declined, or stuck in pending?
How do I Purchase a Track?

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