How Do Publishing Track Claims Work?


This article applies to:

  • Publishing Members: Haven’t joined BeatStars Publishing yet? Discover the steps to sign up and unlock new opportunities for your music. Click here to learn about signing up for Publishing.


In this article, you’ll learn how to submit a claim for your share of a Publishing track if the track has already been registered by another person first.

What is a Claim?
When you select a track for Publishing that’s already been registered by another person, you’ll need to submit a Claim to “claim” your share of the track.

When asked to submit a claim, you’ll confirm all writers, roles, and shares like you would any other Publishing track. You may also be asked to upload documentation like producer agreements, split sheets, or anything else you think can help us verify your share.

Submitting a Claim:
After confirming the correct information for writers and uploading documentation, you’ll be able to submit your Claim. Submitted Claims will appear in the Claims tab of the Publishing section of BeatStars Studio. After our team reviews and approves the Claim, the track will then appear in the Tracks tab with the rest of your Publishing tracks.

Claim Statuses:

  • Under Review: We’ve received your Claim and are reviewing it to make sure everything is good to go.
  • Approved: Your claim has been approved and we’ve associated you as a writer on the track.
  • Pending: We’re processing your claim and awaiting final confirmation. This should take no more than 21 days.
  • Rejected: We were unable to approve the claim based on the information or materials provided.




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